My Psilocybin Backstory

My Personal Psilocybin Backstory

I have been actively exploring psilocybin for my own healing, spiritual, and connective purposes for well over a decade. Each experience has been special — some filled me with wonder, others were intense, expansive, restorative, turbulent, or cosmic. All have helped me grow into a better version of myself.

As a young person, I did not experiment with substances. Drugs made me anxious. I focused on doing well in school, my extracurricular activities, and escaping my hometown. I wanted to experience the world and how big and beautiful life could be! 


However, a severe case of mononucleosis in 2003 left me with long-term fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and chronic illness. Additionally, the PMDD and depression I had experienced since my teen years became worse in my twenties and didn't seem to be helped by pharmaceuticals.

I did what a lot of people do, and turned to alcohol to try to numb the pain and improve my moods. As you may have guessed though, alcohol made most everything worse. I decided I needed to ditch booze and try something with fewer side effects, which wasn't numbing, and instead could be illuminating and genuinely healing. A close and trusted friend suggested I try a "magic mushroom trip."

It was nearly 15 years ago when I first tried psilocybin, and it has been positively changing my life ever since.

Psilocybin has been a wise teacher and powerful ally for me when combined with IFS and somatic therapy for overcoming CPTSD and complicated feelings related to infertility and relationship transitions. Mushrooms have helped me manage life challenges with greater ease, clarity, and an unshakeable self-love. I have worked through trauma in profound ways, and have even felt like I completed years of counseling after just one psilocybin ceremony.  Mushrooms have put things into perspective and opened me up to feeling more connected, magical, hopeful, and full of gratitude.

This is incredible, ancient medicine and I believe it has the potential to help change the world for the better. I am excited and honored to be a facilitator who helps other people experience the transformative and healing powers of Psilocybin.

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